Looking for a way to serve at Mass?
Volunteer in the Audio/Visual Ministry as a projectionist, live stream camera operator or sound board technician for our weekday or Sunday liturgies. Interested? Please contact Mike Zazickor the volunteer in the booth for more information!
Faith Formation
The Children's Sacrament Prep classes are in need of volunteers. If you are interested, please contact Denise Lichty.
English Language Learners
Volunteers are needed to teach English classes, substitute & assist teachers, and help provide childcare for students. If interested, please contact Ellie Hong at 480-221-9486.
Friends of the Needy Ministry
What a gift it is to take on the role of being Jesus’ hands and feet while partaking in these corporal works of mercy. Volunteers are needed 9 AM - 12 PM, Monday - Saturday. They should be able to lift 30+ lbs and be up-to-date with safe environment training. Contact John Caballero for more information.
Eucharistic Adoration
This is one of the easiest ways to volunteer and spend time with our Lord Jesus in the most blessed Sacrament. You may sign up in any of the following ways:
- By Email – perpetualadoration@stanneaz.org and the Adoration Ministry will contact you.
- By Form – Invitation forms can be found in the notebook by the door, inside the Adoration Chapel
Porters of St. Joseph
The Porters of Saint Joseph ( portersofstjoseph.org ) is a volunteer apostolate with the mission to provide a safe environment at our Church so the parishioners can worship God in peace and security at Sunday mass. If you have prior experience in law enforcement, the military, security, or just a servant’s heart for the Church, then the Porters of St. Joseph are for you. For more information email security@stanneaz.org.