“There is a need for a crusade of manliness and purity to counteract and nullify the savage work of those who think man is a beast. And that crusade is your work”
– St. Josemaria Escriva
About Us
The Porters of Saint Joseph is a volunteer apostolate with the mission to provide a safe environment at our Church so the parishioners can worship God in peace and security at Sunday mass. If you have prior experience in law enforcement, the military, security, or just a servant’s heart for the Church, then the Porters of St. Joseph are for you. This is the perfect opportunity for men in this parish who have felt the call to get involved but have not yet found the opportunity to put their courageous, heroic, masculine heart at the service of their parish, while at the same time, forming a bond of Christian brotherhood with
like-minded men.
Take part in quarterly training in self-defense, De-escalation, Violent response, Church safety planning!
Visit the Porters of St. Joseph website at portersofstjoseph.org.
For more information email the Porters of St. Joseph at St. Anne.
“What is most necessary at this time is to have in each parish a group of laymen at the same time, virtuous, enlightened, determined, and really apostolic”
– St. Pope Pius X.