"So I exhort the presbyters among you, as a fellow presbyter and witness to the sufferings of Christ and one who has a share in the glory to be revealed. Tend the flock of God in your midst, [overseeing] not by constraint but willingly, as God would have it, not for shameful profit but eagerly. Do not lord it over those assigned to you, but be examples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd is revealed, you will receive the unfading crown of glory." (1 Pt 5:1-4)
Holy Orders
To act and to stand in the person of Christ (in persona Christi) – is both awesome and daunting! Several years of discernment and formation are required to truly answer this call and live the life of a priest. And yet, God equips those he calls…once a priest, a priest forever! Another indelible mark is sealed upon a man's soul, his hands are consecrated, his mission passed on by the laying on of hands…no ordinary man is he now, as he too, offers himself for the service of his flock, a father to his spiritual children, a guide and companion to all of us on the journey. Another ordained position is that of a deacon, a ministry of service for the good of the Church, assisting the priest at the altar, and in the sacraments of matrimony and baptism.
The sacrament of holy orders is the continuation of Christ's priesthood, which he bestowed upon his Apostles; thus, the Catechism of the Catholic Church refers to the sacrament of holy orders as "the sacrament of apostolic ministry."
"Ordination" comes from the Latin word "ordinatio," which means to incorporate someone into an order. In the sacrament of holy orders (mainly major orders), a man is incorporated into the priesthood of Christ, at one of three levels: the episcopate, the priesthood, or the diaconate.
There are ministries within the Church that are open to the community to participate in, that assist in the celebration of the holy Mass. These ministries are the following altar boys, and lectors. If you're interested in learning more, click on
Altar Boys or Lectors.