St. Anne Roman Catholic Parish Library
Reading books from the Library at St. Anne is an excellent way to learn more about the Catholic Faith. If you would like to reserve a book, read the policies below. View the book catalog. Then, fill out the online Library form below to request a reservation.
Mission Statement
The purpose of the parish library is to support the work and the spiritual growth of its parishioners and staff. This is accomplished through the provision of materials that provide information, spiritual guidance, and education resources. Emphasis is placed on materials that promote a better understanding of the Catholic faith.
Selection Policy
The parish library will not try to duplicate public library resources since our metropolitan area has many public libraries from which to select secular materials. Most of the library collection shall be comprised of materials with a Catholic focus. However, limited amounts of fiction materials which do not conflict with our beliefs and which may be of benefit to our parishioners may be included. The library collection will include materials for different ages.
In evaluating donations for the collection, staff will consider the age, relevance, and physical condition of the material.
Resources used to select material may include:
- Tan Books
- Local Catholic bookstores
- Other secular resources may be used if material is not located at above resources.
Circulation Policy
Parishioners may view the library catalog to request books focused on a particular subject). Held material can be picked up in the parish office during open office hours.
- Two book baskets per family may be checked out at a time.
- Material is checked out for 30 days, including the time being held. A reminder email will be sent out before an item is due. An email will be sent out when books are 2 weeks overdue.
- No overdue fines are charged. Books that are damaged or lost can be replaced by parishioners with a new copy. Alternatively, payment in the amount of a new copy of the book can be made to the parish. Parishioners may keep the damaged copy or the lost copy if found. No refunds are issued.
- If a requested book basket is currently checked out, parishioners will be placed on a waiting list and notified when it is ready for pick up.