Our Life in Christ
Family Faith Formation Programs
The Our Life in Christ Faith and Life Series models the Divine Pedagogy—how God Has revealed himself- Beginning with the parents and family life lived out. The Church assists the family in this and has passed on his revelation. The content of the faith unfolds through the narrative of salvation history as presented in Sacred Scripture and developed in Sacred Tradition. The faith's doctrinal, liturgical, moral, and spiritual elements flow from God's saving work in history. Lessons allow for various activities for different learning styles and educational needs. Still, all students participate in the common approach of drawing on Scripture and salvation as the basis for coming to understand sacred doctrine, the Sacred Liturgy, the reception of the Sacraments, and the moral and spiritual life.
The unfolding of the faith through the story of salvation is gradual and relational. We invite families to encounter Christ through sacred Scripture and thereby see themselves as part of the love story between God and man. Each grade level tells the story of salvation from Creation to eternal life, continually pointing to Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior. Through this nourishment of the truths of the faith, students are transformed and become disciples of Christ.
Our Life in Christ faith formation program will focus on families with children who are Pre-K through High School grade learning levels which:
- Expects and encourages parents and their children to participate in forming the Catholic elements of Sacred Scripture, faith, Sacrament preparation, moral and spiritual life, community and discipleship, and life application of the faith.
- Provides a basic foundation of faith and love of Jesus Christ, through which families respond to God's call in prayer, mercy, and justice.
- Have rich content that provides a depth of understanding that resonates with parents and children alike.
- Have purposeful pedagogy, giving our families a purpose to learn
- Provides a systematic approach for the domestic Church in covering foundational truths of the faith as presented in the Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Fosters spiritual, moral, and intellectual conversion and leads the whole family to become disciples of Christ
- Engages the entire family through prayer and Catholic devotionals, lives of the saints, Sacred Liturgy, Sacred art, and effective discussion on life application, thus equipping parents and children to overcome contemporary challenges.
- Evangelizes families and entire parishes and nurtures the theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity
Program schedule:
- Our life in Christ faith formation will run in tandem with the Gilbert school district, holding classes from August through May.
- In-Parish catechesis will be held on Wednesday Every 1st and 3rd week of the month.
- In-home catechesis will be the 2nd, 4th, and 5th (when applicable) weeks of the month and the 1st or 3rd weeks that fall during the Gilbert school district breaks.
Materials needed:
- A Catholic edition Bible - You may use one that you already have in your home. Or, use the link to purchase the recommended English standard version. https://cedarhouse.co/
- A Catechism of the Catholic Church - https://catholicshop.com/Catechism-of-the-Catholic-Church-by-Catholic-churchcatholic.html
- The Faith and Life series book set appropriate for the level your child will be placed in. Click here to purchase books.
Program Courses
Pre- K and Kindergarten – WHO AM I? -
Intro to the image of God with a focus on God and Creation for ages 4 and 5 years old.
The Who Am I? Series stresses the dignity of each individual as a person made in God's image. The material in each lesson revolves around the fundamentals of our Faith in terms young children can understand and remember. Activity worksheets will be used to aid the child's retention of the story and help the child relate the theme to his/her daily life.
For 6-year-olds
Introduction to the Trinity, emphasizing the life of Jesus, the plan of salvation, and the child's part in the plan. Acquaints child with Mary, angels, and saints. The child learns essential prayers.
For 7-year-olds
Preparation for the first reception of the sacraments of Penance, Holy Communion, and Confirmation. This uses the law of God and salvation history as background. The lesson emphasizes God's mercy and love. It covers the Commandments, Creation, and Redemption.
For 8-year-olds
God's plan of salvation, from Creation to the Incarnation and Redemption to the birth of the Church at Pentecost and our life in the Church. This level emphasizes the importance of Confession, Communion, and the Mass.
For 9-year-olds
God's plan to save his people from sin (Salvation History), how we participate in that plan, and how God helps us in our pilgrimage on earth to Heaven through his word, his law, and His Church.
For 10-year-olds
A thorough study of the articles of the Creed as the basic belief of our Catholic faith, with a particular emphasis on careful understanding of definitions through the words of the Gospels, the prophets, and the prayers of the Church.
For 11-year-olds
The blueprint for a life of love: the law of God, especially in the Ten Commandments, and the presence of Jesus in the Holy Mass. The interaction of the challenges of God's law and his gifts of grace help us fulfill his law.
For 12-17 years who need one or all of the Sacraments
Preparation for the reception of the sacraments of Penance, Holy Communion, and/ or Confirmation, with the Catechism as background. The lesson emphasizes God's mercy and love. It covers Baptism, Payers, Commandments, Creation, and Redemption.
BATTLE (Be all that the lord Expects) – Youth Discipleship
Catechism classes with a focus on discipleship. - For ages 12 and 13 years old who have completed sacraments
Grace is our link with God, his gift to us to bring us to Himself and his eternal life, emphasizing the transmission of grace through the seven sacraments and God's loving gifts of the revelation of himself through the prophets, the Incarnation, and the Church. The role of grace in developing the virtues.
The history of the Church--its founding by Christ, its birth in the Holy Spirit, the marks of the one, true Church, the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, the saints, and the role of the religious and laity up to the present. We cover the structure of the Church Jesus planned, the role of the Magisterium, the clergy, religious life, the laity, and our own vocations.
ATAC (Aquinas Teen Apologetics Club) - Catechism classes and activity with a focus on apologetics
For ages 14-17 years old who have completed sacraments
To help teens who are serious about learning and understanding their Catholic faith better. Our goal is to help the ATAC teens grow in their knowledge and love of the Catholic faith, so that they will not only continue to practice their faith as young adults and beyond, but also be able to articulate and defend the faith with confidence and charity, both now and for the rest of their lives.
Online Registration for Our Life in Christ will begin on Tuesday, April 1st, 2025 and will remain open until Saturday, May 31st, 2025.
Questions and Information
For more information please direct questions to:
Denise Lichty
Faith Formation Coordinator
(480) 507-4435