We Catholics are thoroughly and unabashedly pro-life. We are pro-life because we believe life is sacred. We are pro-life because the Church teaches us that we humans are created in the image and likeness of God. For these reasons:
We are pro-preborn babies, pro-newborn babies, pro-woman, pro-child, pro-man, pro-elderly, pro-vulnerable, pro-human, and pro-creation!
We reject the shallow mantra of “pro-choice” which masks any thoughtful consideration of sexual intercourse, pregnancy, childbirth, or abortion.
We reject the unfinished thought of a woman’s right to choose. . .
We reject the fashionable claim of “reproductive rights” which has resulted in untold millions of abortions.
We reject contraception in all its forms, but especially those forms that silently abort such as: the pill, the patch, injections and the morning after pill.
We reject violence and unnatural death in all its forms—abortion, terrorism, unjust war, capital punishment, and euthanasia.
We embrace the fact that we humans procreate, not reproduce: Animals reproduce. Machines copy. Humans procreate.
We know that “life” and the future of the human community are sexually transmitted—by the wondrous design of our maker.
We are in awe of the power God has invested in us: that we, imaging God's creativity, have the power to create new humans in God’s image.
We believe that at the moment of human conception, through the power of the Holy Spirit, a new and unique soul is created by God.
We embrace the fact that humans need to live in community, responsive to each other, caring for the young, the sick and the old, sharing their burdens and joys.
Based on work done by Carol Hogan Director for Pastoral Projects and Communications California Catholic Conference
Ministry Objectives
The reality of abortion within the paroquial community
The URGENT need to participate in Prolife activities
The community to participate in the Rosary for Life in the Parish
to join the 40 Days for Life campaign and other Prolife activities
Information about the Prolife movement in our general environment
The culture of family life
Parishioners to explore information on the internet about the Prolife movement
Women in danger of aborting, and offer them support and refer them to help centers for pregnant women
To distribute information flyers of the Prolife centers
Prolife groups economically
With voluntary time, help centers for pregnant women.
For more information or to get involved with the Respect Life Ministry at St. Anne, please contact Genny Jones at (480) 201-7198 and join the Respect Life group on Flocknote.