The mission of the Ministry of Care is to bring Jesus in the Holy Eucharist to our parishioners who are: homebound, hospitalized, in care or nursing facilities, or hospice.
We serve parishioners who are unable to attend holy Mass on Sunday because of illness, age or disability. The service may be for an extended period of time or short-term. Some of the various environments in which the Ministry of Care provides services include hospitals, care homes, nursing homes, and hospices.
We have training sessions that include instruction on the holy Eucharist, Communion service, basic skills for home and hospital visits, confidentiality, etc.
In addition to the classroom instruction, you'll go on visits with a mentor until you're comfortable with serving on your own.
Called to Protect
Everyone who serves in any ministry in the Diocese of Phoenix must attend a Called to Protect class. These are abuse prevention educational classes for the protection of minors. The initial session must be taken in a classroom. After your initial training, you can re-certify for this requirement online.
If you'd like to learn more about the Ministry of Care or become involved, please contact Norma Guzman.