Aid to Women Center
Aid to Women Center is a non-profit, Catholic, Pro-life Pregnancy Center in Tempe, AZ. Our mission is to help women-in-need by providing the resources and assistance needed for a woman to choose life for her unborn child. We provide free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, low-cost prenatal care to women without insurance, education classes, and material support to moms.
Friends of the Needy
The Friends of the Needy ministry has grown into a vehicle that allows parishioners to help those less fortunate in our community who have difficulty making ends meet. Services offered by Friends of the Needy include providing food, clothing, toys, small and large household items and furniture, government assistance applications, utility bill assistance, and rental assistance. Our staff assesses the needs of a family on a case by case basis, and helps them based upon the results of this assessment.
For more information visit Friends of the Needy.
Funeral Ministry
The Funeral Ministry helps facilitate the funeral reception for families and friends of the departed by providing the set-up, serving and clean-up of the social hall. All receptions need to be catered by the families. The Funeral Ministry is always looking for volunteers to join this vibrant ministry.
The Giving Tree
The Giving Tree meets on the first Tuesday of each month. For more information, contact Jennifer Barger at (480) 892-5617, or send a message via My St. Anne.
Ministry of Care
The mission of the Ministry of Care is to bring Jesus in the holy Eucharist to our parishioners who are: homebound, hospitalized, in care or nursing Facilities, hospice, in jails or prisons.
To learn more visit Ministry of Care.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Joining people together in prayer and fellowship to knit, crochet and quilt prayer shawls for our church family and community in need of prayer and support (in joyful or trying times) as a gift of healing, protection and celebration. To bring hope, comfort and prayers through the work of our hands. Prayer shawls are given freely to anyone in need and are available in the parish office. Donations are welcome and appreciated to keep our ministry ongoing.
Prison and Jail Ministry
Men's Prison Ministry has as its mission to evangelize to the incarcerated. If you're interested in participating in this ministry, visit the Phoenix Diocese Prison Ministry website to learn more, and begin training. You can also contact Ty Tirone at (602) 743-5500.
Respect for Life
We promote the dignity of the human person from conception until natural death. We promote a culture of life through a variety of activities. We educate by distributing literature about "Life Issues", support "Virtue Media" to promote the culture of life to an audience beyond the doors of the Church; and promote "Theology of the Body" and Natural Family Planning. Our classes offer a deeper understanding of how God calls us all to make a true gift of ourselves, in imitation of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
For more information, contact Jenny Jones at (480) 201-7198, or e-mail at
S.T.A.A.G.E. - St. Anne Arts Guild Evangelization
A theater group that performs plays for our parish and surrounding community.