The Treasure of Sacred Music
"The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art. The main reason for this pre-eminence is that, as sacred song united to the words, it forms a necessary or integral part of the solemn liturgy." —Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 112
Sacred music is integral to the liturgical life of the Church, in which the members of Her Mystical Body unite with Christ, the Head, in His eternal sacrifice on the cross. Sacred music is characterized by beauty and sincerity of form. It flows from and is united to the Liturgical texts and actions. It is holy, set apart, and expressive of the spirit of communal prayer. It engages the mind, body, and soul to enter into the mysteries of our faith. Whether an ancient chant or a modern sacred composition, it conveys the truth of the eternal.
Each choir (“Schola” = “school”) at Saint Anne parish studies, rehearses, and sings sacred music from across the eras, with the aim to elevate and make more noble the celebration of Mass, and to grow in our Faith through musical and spiritual training. Historically, liturgical choirs were called “Schola Cantorum” (“singing school”).
With questions or to discuss involvement, please contact Claire Halbur, Director of Sacred Music.
“Cantare amantis est. (Singing belongs to one who loves)." ― St. Augustine
St. Anne Sacred Music Staff
Claire Halbur, Director of Sacred Music
James McCarty, Sacred Music Assistant
Francisco Santos, Spanish Music Leader
St. Anne English Choirs, 2024-25 Season
Schola Immaculata (Advanced Adults in honor of the Immaculate Conception) is an auditioned SATB ensemble that rehearses Wednesday evenings from September through early June and regularly sings for Sunday 11am Solemn Mass as well as select holy days. Repertoire includes Gregorian Propers and Ordinaries, polyphony and other great choral music from across the centuries, and traditional hymnody.
Schola Ioachim (Advanced Men in honor of St. Joachim, husband of St. Anne) is an auditioned schola of men that participate in Schola Immaculata and dedicate extra rehearsal time to preparing Gregorian Propers. They sing occasional Masses when the full mixed schola is not scheduled.
Schola Caritatis (Community Adults in honor of St. Anne, Mother of Charity) is where male and female singers of varying skill and experience levels expand vocal and musical technique. This schola rehearses Thursday evenings from September through early June and sings about two Sundays/month for 9am Mass, along with select holy days. Repertoire includes vernacular plainchant propers, intermediate choral works, and traditional hymnody.
Schola Laetitiae (Teens, “Joy of the Lord”) is to accompany and challenge boys and girls ages 13-19 in vocal development, prayerful leadership, holy friendships, and love of the liturgy through learning Gregorian chant, music theory, 3-and-4 part harmony, and participation in the rich heritage of sacred music, including choir trips. This choir rehearses Thursday early evenings from the end of September through early June and sings for varied weekend Mass times once or twice a month.
Schola Animae (Youth, “Life of the soul”) is where students grades 2-8 receive vocal and spiritual formation in the art of sung prayer, exposure to the great tradition of sacred song in accord with the liturgical year, age-appropriate music theory, and vocal development in unison and 2-part music. The youth choir is part of American Federation Pueri Cantores with an annual Phoenix Festival. They rehearse Monday early evenings from October through the end of May and sing once a month for Mass (usually at 9:00).
Schola Lucis (Prepartory Children’s Choir, “Light of God”) is an offering for children preK-grade 2 to receive foundational formation in prayer and singing (45-min weekly class during the choir season, participation in 1 or 2 events per year).
St. Anne Spanish Choirs (Coros españoles)
Schola Nazarena (in honor de la Sagrada Familia de Nazaret) rehearses Thursday late evenings and sings regularly for Sunday 1:30 Spanish Anticipatory Mass. Contact Spanish Music Leader, Francisco Santos if interested.
Individuals with cantor and chant experience are relied upon during Masses without choirs. If interested to offer your services in this capacity, please contact the Director.
Adult/teens seasoned in string, woodwind, or brass instruments and interested in being part of sacred music at St. Anne are invited to contact the director for an audition. Opportunities are currently focused on high holy days, with possible parish orchestra in the future for concerts, etc.
Church Documents and Letters on Liturgical Music
- Sacrosanctum Concilium - Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Second Vatican Council)
(See Chapter VI on Sacred Music) - Musicam Sacram - Instruction on Music in the Liturgy (Second Ecumenical Vatican Council)
- Chirograph of the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II for the Centenary of the Motu Proprio "Tra Le Sollecitudini" on Sacred Music
- Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship (USCCB)
- Singing the Mass - Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted
- “The Necessity of Music” - Bishop James D. Conley