St. Zita Altar Guild Recruitment
St Zita Altar Guild is recruiting regular serving members and subs.
▪ 30 minutes or less weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.
▪ Areas Served: Sanctuary, Narthex and Media Center.
▪ Great for adults and families with age-appropriate children.
--> Contact Kim Rebello.
St Zita Altar Guild Mission Statement
St Zita Altar Guild exists to serve our parish community in the care and housekeeping of our sacred spaces, and all aspects that represent and raise our hearts and minds heavenward (including but not limited to the sanctuary, statures, and artwork within the nave). It is also our call to tend to the welcoming spaces within our church home (including but not limited to the narthex and media center). It is our servant team's desire to show God our gratefulness for what we have been given by way of needed care and to help lighten the load of the work produced by the loving use of our church home. “Many hands make light work.”